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07/05/2023 13:45
By surpassing the mark of more than half a century of production with 1500 aircraft delivered, the undeniable success of the Boeing 747 rules out further presentations. In the era of jet aviation, no program was so long-lived (BETING, G. 747. Beting Books, São Paulo, 2019, p. 68).
The Boeing 747 was the greatest advance in the history of passenger aviation. While its predecessor, the Boeing 707, could only carry up to 189 passengers, the Jumbo Jet was initially certified for up to 550 passengers and later expanded to up to 660 passengers.


15/03/2023 13:03
The first noise contour drawn in the world was the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport for the 1965 Paris Regional Plan. In Brazil, the first airport with noise curves map (PEZR – Plano Específico de Zoneamento de Ruído) was Pinto Martins International Airport, in Fortaleza city (2014) and the the first urban plan to consider noise curves was the Guarulhos Urban Plan (Urban Law 7888, published january 15, 2021).