
SITRAER – Air Transportation Symposium – is an annual event organized by the Brazilian Air Transportation Research Society (SBTA). SBTA is an independent society of scientific research, which aims to promote academic research and technical development of air transportation in Brazil and Latin America. It was officially founded in December 2002 in São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.

In 2023, XX SITRAER will be held in the city of Joinville, from October 18 to 20. Joinville is the largest city in the state of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil and is located in the center of a very industrial and well-developed area in the north and northeast of the state of Santa Catarina.

Joinville’s metropolitan area is home to nearly 1.3 million people. It has been showing impressive economic growth rates in the past decade due to its location to major ports and well educated work force. Joinville metropolitan area is projected to be within the 15 most important brazilian economic areas.

The XX SITRAER will be host by UFSC, whose community consists of about 50,000 people, including about 6,000 faculty and staff members. The university has nearly 30,000 undergraduate students enrolled in more than 100 on-campus programs and 10 distance learning programs. At the graduate level, UFSC offers about 11,000 seats in more than 60 academic master’s degree programs, 15 professional master’s degree programs and 50 Phd programs, in addition to a number of certificate programs offered on campus or distance learning.

We invite the authors to submit cientific papers reportes related to Air Transportation, including the ones dedicated to models, technical solutions, qualitative or quantitative analyses, reviews, and other scientific approaches.