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All the submitted papers will be double-binded reviewed by two reviewers. Only the final paper should have the authors names and acknowlegdements and any other information that could identify the authors. The abstract should be limited by 300 words and the complete document is expected to have 10 pages at maximum. For the short paper submission, it is recommended to have around 2 pages and the author should use the paper template. It is recommended to include: abstract, brief introduction, methods and previous results.

If you’ve registered and have an account, please submit your paper(s) in the Submission system.

Available May 22th


If you have any problems registering or submitting your papers, please download the .pdf file here to see how to submit your paper on the system.

Please, use the Symposium template to write your paper and short paper. They are available in latex and MS Word and you can download them in the links below:





If you are experiencing any difficult to download the template files, please try this link here

The Presentation file can be Uploaded using the Upload Form. If the Author/Presenter prefers, the file can be delivered to the Symposium organization using a Flash Drive during the Check In. Remember that to the paper be available to presentation, at least one authors must be registered in the Symposium.

The authors are invited to submit paper on the suggested topics as follows, but not limited to:

Symposium Topics
Air Transportation GeopoliticsDemand and Supply
Relation with the Environment
Airway Planning
Urban Relationship of Airports
Aviation's environmental impactsAir Transport Community Noise
Aircraft Emissions
Wildlife Hazard Mitigation
Air Traffic ManagementAeronautical Information Management
Traffic Flow Management
Systems Safety and Reliability
Systems Technology
Human Resources
Airport InfrastructurePlanning and Investment
Management and Operation
Airlines Regulation and ManagementPublic Policy, Regulation and Control
“Low-cost” Airlines
Human Resources
Defense and SecurityAdvanced Air Mobility (AAM) and Drones
Air Transport in Human Relief Operations
Aeronautical Infrastructure for Defense Applications
Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.